WMF - Women's Missionary Federation

Emannuel WMF News

AFLC Women - WMF website - click here

Psalm 33:12-22: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,

the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.”

     The WMF Serving Committee served the luncheon for Vonda Jackson Kelly on Monday, June 10, 2024. Vonda was
not a member of Emmanuel so many of us did not know her or her family. She chose Emmanuel as she had been
raised in this church and was laid to rest on her parent's graves. Our ladies received many thanks from the family
and a generous donation to the WMF. They were surprised that our ladies made the food and served it as few
churches are doing that anymore. We are thankful that we have a willing group of ladies who are able to serve at
funerals and we appreciate the financial contributions from all our other ladies. Thanks to Margaret Greseth,
Tamra Berg, Sue Davidson, Carol Gjemse, Lori Thompson and Karen Melhouse for all the kitchen help.


     WMF Day was on Wednesday, June 12, at the FLBCS Campus in Plymouth. There were a few of our ladies that
attended. The theme was "Rejoice in the Lord always!".


     Our annual Guest Night Salad Supper was on Tuesday, June 18 at 6 PM. We had nearly 50 attendees which did
include some men. It was thought that they might also enjoy the program. Ann Romo had invited a Norwegian
story teller; Pati Kachel. She told the story of the life and faith of Hans Nielsen Hauge and Sarah Oust. In the
1790’s (when many Norwegians were living in poverty), God called these devoted Christians to preach the gospel.
They were filled with the Holy Spirit and love for their fellow man. God used their words and testimonies to help
bring a spiritual awakening to the people all over Norway. Gradually the empty Lutheran churches began to fill up
with souls seeking a “living faith” in Jesus Christ! It was not long before they had hope for their futures. It was an
interesting and educational program. Our thanks to all the ladies who brought a salad to share and a guest or two.
Special thanks to Sue Davidson, Lori Thompson, Twila Simonson, Margaret Greseth, Tamra Berg and Ann Romo for
helping with the program, decorations and kitchen duties. There were even a few of us Germans who learned a
thing or two!!


     Our Honoring Senior Members event will be on Tuesday, July 9 at 1 PM. This event is where our WMF members
65 and older are honored and recognized for their years of service to the WMF of Emmanuel Lutheran Church.
ALL ladies of any age are invited to attend. We plan for pie and coffee and will have a short meeting to follow.
Devotions will be by Janice Nelson. The program will be a combined Bible study. The hostesses will be Margaret
Greseth, Lori Thompson and Jan Strand.


     Here's wishing everyone a Happy 4th of July!! Enjoy the day with friends and family, take in a parade, eat a hotdog and watch some fireworks.

Tamra Berg - WMF Secretary