Emannuel WMF News
AFLC Women - WMF website - click here
Hopefully, all of the ladies have had time to review the 2025 WMF Booklet. Remember to look the booklet over to check whatever assignments you are scheduled for and let me know if there is any incorrect information. If you did not get a booklet and want one let me know that as well. A reminder that ALL ladies of the congregation are members of the WMF. When we do have new members join Emmanuel they are given a year "grace" period before we add them to the Serving Committee and phone list.
Our Lenten Season is fast approaching!! There is a sign-up sheet on the basement bulletin board for making and serving light suppers prior to the Lenten Services. Ash Wednesday will be on March 5 with Rachel Circle assigned for that meal. There are also some empty slots so please consider volunteering for one of them.
On Monday, March 24 at 9 AM we will have our Quilting Day. There are no special skills needed other than the ability to tie a knot. Our resident quilting experts; Ann Romo and Karen Melhouse, are there to offer assistance to the group. Many of the quilts will then be donated to local charities. We have a potluck meal at noon and a business meeting at 1 PM. We plan on discussing the WMF Central Tri-State Spring Rally which Emmanuel will host on April 12.
There will also be Spring Mission Offering Envelopes distributed by Carol Gjemse. The money collected is sent to the WMF Headquarters for mission projects. You can read more about those missions as they are listed on the pink inside cover sheet of the 2025 WMF Booklet. Remember to return the envelopes back to Carol Gjemse who is our treasurer.
We have certainly been dealing with a lot of very cold weather and sickness in the area. Let's hope for warmer and sunnier days which should make us all feel better.
1 Peter 5:6-7 “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
Tamra Berg - WMF Secretary